pink and grey galahs
I thought I'd take a few photos of the Galahs as they came in to feed today. I haven't sat out there for a while.with my camera. I chose a new spot to sit because I'd been watching from which way they came in to land and that was the shot I wanted.
Ha well the Galahs sat in the next doors gum where they always sit waiting for me to leave and that was that.
Every now and then they would do a fly by and check me out and go back to the tree.
After a while I got up and moved but they still watched me. A few brown Doves and a couple of Top Knot Pigeons came in to feed after I moved but the Galahs still refused to land.
They used to not care what I did. I could get really close and wander around the yard without them scaring. This year though I've had a lot of Corellas coming in to feed and they are a lot more flighty than the Galahs, so maybe that is why they wouldn't settle like they used to.
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