Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Rudry Common View

Another beautiful sunny day, where I haven't really done much except mow the lawns and have an hour out to get a blip photo.

Not even a call out. The wife went for her mile or so swim after work and is now home. Since settling down with a cuppa she's been on her iPad looking for a Turkish gullet (sailing) holiday in September. We've been on them before and they're highly relaxing. It's a small sailing boat and you're chucked in with four or five other couples. We've always got on with the others but I have heard horror stories!

It was only a couple of days ago that she booked to go back to Turkey next June, the same hotel that we've just come back from. January is back to Mauritius. She's on a holiday crusade - there's no stopping her!

The Rose wine is open and we'll make the most of it. I believe Carol Kirkwood says the weather is changing on Friday. Hopefully not!

The blip photo shows my friend Owen's fields which he's just cut. To the left is Rudry Common and just to the right of it is my friend, Harry's farm in Rudry Village (By the electricity pylon). We were in friends in school together and I was his best man. I don't see so much of him these days, and it's me that makes the effort to keep in touch by popping in once a year. Things change as the years go by.

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