Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Beautiful & Useful

. . . and rustic while we're at it!

My title is of course from William Morris who has famously said, "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."

When I left my Dad's home, I was absolutely determined not to buy any dust collectors when visiting a country except maybe a fridge magnet but sometimes, you see something beautiful and you just have to have it! The bowl on the right is one such thing; bought in Cyprus many years ago - I just loved it and it does get used now and again; and the coffee pot (or Al Dallah as it is known locally) was a purchase from my tour guiding days. Curvy and just the right size, whilst it is sold as a souvenir, this one can actually be used to make Arabic coffee. Again, it sits proudly on top of one of my CD racks and was recently (before G left for Cyprus) given a polish.

I have been home since finishing work and feel like I should do much more with these precious extra hours, in fact, Emeline at work today said how much more motivated she felt doing the shorter hours. I wholeheartedly agreed. There could be a case for it.

And I dropped my 35mm lens after I'd changed to the 85mm to take this shot. Fortunately it was on a rug so no damage done to it! :)
. . . Just thinking . . . this could have worked for Still Life and Reflections except it looks nothing in mono.

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