
Last night I had an email, it made me chuckle. It was from William (or perhaps it was from my daddy) stating that over 50% of the photos from holiday were of Charlotte, with another 33% being of animals and other stuff with only about 15% being of William (yes, he was aware that this did not make 100%!)

Therefore, grandfather, this blip is for you.

William at baby massage and William asleep.

Don't let the happy face fool you, today has been tough, he has either cried for milk, cried during milk or cried after milk. His one leg is obviously very sore and has a nasty red lump on it from his jabs. William has not been in his happy space today.

We went to baby massage, but we had to just watch as they won't let you join in until 72 hours after jabs, from here we drove to school. It was lovely to see my class again and hear their news, they were quite subdued when I first entered as if they weren't sure how to be with me, but within minutes they were back to themselves. Saw staff that I wanted to see, then came home hoping William would sleep. He slept for an hour and then was unhappy.

Went to pick up Charlotte, he dozed in the car but was at full throttle cry by the time we were five minutes from home. Got home, asked Charlotte if she needed a wee as she was sans nappy. No was her answer. Gave her a drink whilst I fed William and guess what? Wee on carpet! Uh oh from both of us. She was upset, I just said it didn't matter.

Both babies asleep. Tea in oven. Husband in pub.
Hopefully off out tomorrow night with the girls, trying not to get excited just in case it goes tits up.

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