Here today...

... gone tomorrow.

Summer, that is, if the forecast is to be believed. Today's weather was just perfect for me - not too hot, beautiful blue sky, white fluffy clouds, sunshine.

I stopped on the Gartness road to take this blip on the way back from meeting friend June at The Wishing Well for her belated birthday 'pudding'. She chose a strawberry tart and I had pecan pie.

I try to avoid this route if at all possible, because it is a single-tracked road with hills and bends and few passing places, and you never know when you're going to meet something coming the other way. Today it was busier than usual because the main road is closed at Croftamie for resurfacing, and folk were using it as a short cut. Fortunately I got through unscathed.

I thought the colours in this were looking rather autumnal. Eek!

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