
By elsie


I know its not in focus but with so much to do in the kidz field, these small people do not stay still for long and i only got one shot at this. Love it nonetheless. My children with their Grandma, returning from a tour of a dinosaurs insides, no less. They were shown a video about how the digestive system works. We spent loads of time in the kidz field today, had faces painted, dressed up, made a polar bear and a penguin from plastic bottles and recycled fabrics, played on the inflatables. The heavens opened around tea time so we missed the safari but made it to meet our internet friends in all their animal finery around 7pm. I was an owl, diddy a dragon, lily a giraffe, hudu a cheshire cat, grandad a hunter, moya a leopard and nanan a kangaroo. I sadly killed my camera shortly afterwards in an unfortunate incident with some rose wine and a leaky thermos. Fingers crossed my insurance company will sort it out for me as I feel quite bereft without it.

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