Leek Island Geese
What's a Wednesday without a boat drift and a swim at happy hour? Today we meandered over to Leek Island - or Thwartway, as it seems to be known (maybe it's a Canada/US thing; the US border is only about 150 metres away), which at least today was home to a bunch of Canada Geese. They seemed pretty annoyed when we snuck up on them in the boat and preceded to swim away from us as soon as we settled in. Unbeknownst to these guys, they ended up leaving one or two of their 30+ strong crew behind on shore. In a comedy of errors they ended up figuring this out about a minute after this photo was taken, only to return to shore, halfheartedly, to try and save the others. Eventually they forgot about us, but it made for a nice shot with some great light.
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