
By fionawalton37

"This life & then the next"

Teaching day - took 2 classes to the local church. They explored the saying that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a small mustard seed planted in the ground that grows into a huge tree and all the birds nest in its branches. Made me think of another Bible verse - "The leaves on the trees are for the healing of the nations".
Long playground duty in between church visits. World Cup cards still very popular with the boys. One small boy laid out his swops today. The World Cup seems to make the world, in all its variety, come closer to the boys.
In the evening went to hear Zigi Shipper, a Holocaust survivor (Polish Jew) talk about his life (with Ben & Rebekah). What struck me most was how he said several times, "I just love people." He was not bitter, but full of warmth and humour, and a desire to educate young people. I shook his hand at the end - it seemed to make 'history' come closer to me.
Now listening to Bruce Springsteen - "This life and then the next......" The words seem to tie the strands of my day together.

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