Socking it away
These antics were quite amusing. I first put some peanuts on the winter snow guage in the garden. That enticed this guy (maybe Yearling) to climb higher in their ever important quest for peanuts to fill the pantries underground. It didn't take long for some fun acrobatics as he plucked peanuts from my grandfather's old sock drying stretcher. I don't really understand why my grandmother needed to dry his socks in that manner??? My mother had wire gizmos in the same vein in the 50s & 60s that dried my father's work pants. That I can understand because they cut down on the ironing, but socks? Grandpa Hanson did have sock garters I think, another thing of the past!
No twin update, we assume she & her husband and the yet to be born babes spent an uneventful night in the hospital.
Early morning photo business for me, them I'll probably be inside in the AC. The cats have on extra fur coats. I had a million errands yesterday. A cool car and cool shops, but the in and out and the 4th of July party planning shoppers, ugh. It looks like Tropical Storm Arthur MIGHT ruin celebrations planned for the 4th. Heavy rain and a bit of wind would really spoil the fireworks in Boston . The storm thankfully will miss us as a direct hit, the outer banks of North Carolina would be the unfortunate target it seems.
Feather your nest
For the Record,
This day came in hot and humid.
All hands healthy
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