Ed's Blip

By edjackson

Ecomist Covers

The world this week...

Tens of thousands of people were feared to have died after an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 devastated Haiti.Schools, hospitals and homes in Port-au-Prince collapsed, as did the parliament building and the headquarters of the United Nations mission.

The assassination of a Tehran university professor, Massoud Ali-Mohammadi, sparked conflicting accusations of guilt. The Iranian authorities blamed America, Israel and an Iranian pro-monarchist exile group.

The European Commission condemned irregularities in Greece?s budget figures, suggesting that the budget deficit might be even bigger than the 12.7% of GDP that the government has admitted to. The Athens stockmarket swooned, and a team from the IMF arrived to help.

Barack Obama proposed a new levy on large banks and financial companies to recoup the cost of the Troubled Asset Relief Programme. The fee will be structured to take account of a bank?s liabilities and will hit investment banks with few deposits harder than retail banks with larger such holdings.

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