Fish and Chips
One of our local pubs has a very popular half price fish and chip evening on a Wednesday - despite not having booked we were very lucky to get a table outside. and enjoyed super food and great company. Mum and Dad had driven down from Harrogate after attending The 2014 Trading Standards Conference, (my Dad has co-written a book about the history of Trading Standards), and 3,000 were given out yesterday. Lovely Laura , James's girlfriend was also able to join us for tea.
However the evening came to an abrupt end when my Mum knocked into a bench and displaced a large triangular flap of skin on her shin (her skin is very thin), and at the same time Ben (who had gone home 15 minutes early to start homework) rang to say there was water pouring through the living room ceiling!
I ran back to discover blocked toilets and overflowing sh****y water upstairs, many drenched towels in the bathroom and water catchers in the living room. (Thank you Ben for the containment attempt). I had a frustrated and unreasonable go at the children about blocking the toilet...and then finally cleared the blockage with a secret trick the plumber had suggested last time this happened.
I thought this photo of our evening meal was preferable to a photograph of anything that went on later...
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