
By Tigerama

Fire Solves All Problems Perfectly pt 28

Tim is required to check in with his mother several times a day so while he is doing that you go to Jason’s for lunch, meeting his mother Rosa in their backyard hanging laundry, a woman you would have thought was his grandma with her heavy smoker’s voice. She asks if you want some liver she is frying up and you say gross no, but thank you for the grilled cheese, and you walk back over to your own yard. Your mother is in the kitchen with the green capsule-shaped phone caught in the crook of her neck rebounding along the length of the cord, lining glasses onto freshly papered shelves. The creased lines on her forehead, what his father calls her cut-your-balls-off face, are deep; the white scars along her arms from when she became the most famous person in three counties, famous enough to be interviewed by a reporter from the Chicago Tribune and the St. Louis Dispatch, are bright enough to look like candles melted on her skin.

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