Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Sleeping Beauty

Wow, don't I look good today.

With the majority of wires and equipment removed I then faced a day of daytime sleepiness tests. The EEG monitors stayed on and I was put to bed for 20 minutes every 2 hours and told to try and sleep. Hopefully they got some good results. Will hear back about the daytime tests in 6 - 8 weeks and the nighttime tests in 6 - 8 months. I'm kinda hoping the daytime tests show something they can fix without me having to wait another half year!

I then got a taxi down to the old flat to socialise with the girls (and appreciate their heating) before heading off to meet some other friends for a nice evening of plotting and planning for something that *fingers crossed* we might get to do for the next few months.

By the time I got home I was exhausted yet buzzing on adrenaline, body says sleep brain say "theresnowayimgoingtosleepjustyetweeeeeeeeeees!omuchtothinkaboutooooohloookashinything"

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