'Goosegog Harvest'....................!

My hubby has just helped me pick these this evening......
lovely fat gooseberries.....
it's the biggest amount I've gotten from the bush yet...
now.......what will I do with them???
Had to start the harvesting.....because we had to release 3 more birds today..
so, I don't think they'll give me any peace now that all the berries are ripening so fast.......!
I think jam-making season is upon me.....!

The Kitty Boy was right bold this morning.....I left the chairs out on the patio last night so of course he slept on one of the cushions....and when S came down to let Mel out this morning....he just stared her down meowing....so she had to go out and feed him first......!
But he never told me that when I gave him his 2ndbreakfast later on!!!

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