St James Tarn

Yeah, yeah, I know it's my usual stop.

We left as soon as the students left school. I had to bring Sarah and Sebastian back to Christchurch as he has surgery tomorrow.I wouldn't usually take the day off tomorrow (holidays begin at 3 tomorrow afternoon) but Sarah's partner is away and Sebastian will take a fair bit of support and handling tomorrow - a 4 year old after anesthetic - hmmm. Well he'll take the handling and Sarah will get the support.

We rushed to get to the Tarn before we lost the light - almost too late but managed a few photos. We were thinking that this was where we'd find the deepest snow but in truth it was probably deeper back on the other side of the pass. Ah well, it's still pretty anyway.

I like the reflection of the mountain and bush in the unfrozen bit in the middle of the tarn. Give it another month and you'll be able to skate on the ice but I wouldn't be trying it just yet!

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