Trisha's World

By TrishaM

Come to my garden little bumblebees

hi folks i have just been playing catch up with some of my blips as haven't been on for a while due to ill health,
thank you to everyone for all the well wishes. xxx

Come to my garden little bumblebees,
I've grown so many flowers for you to please,
I have lupins, foxgloves and delphiniums too,
Hundreds of borage seeds I collected especially for you.

It is so easy to grow my own seeds which are organic,
You won't be poisoned here dear bees, no need to panic!
My lawns are covered in flowers all over,
I know how much you bees love clover!

I have a pesticide free zone for you to discover,
Its ALL of my garden as I'm a bee lover!
Come to my garden little bumblebees,
I've grown so many flowers for you to please.

By Sandra M. Bright

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