
By lyndylooloo

Induction day at school

It was Miniman's induction afternoon at his new school today. Eeeek! Did I say school? How in God's name did that happen? It was only last week he started to walk, at least that's how it feels. Needless to say he loved it! He wanted to stay for longer so he could play outside in the 'park' which is the playground these days. It was a bit different in my day. I'll let you into a secret... He's going to the same school that I did. I don't remember there being any park equipment back then, or high spikey railings all round and all the doors locked. I suppose there are good & bad things both ways.

He asked if he could go back tomorrow and when I explained he doesn't start until September he got quite upset. I wonder how long that will last once he starts. I really hope he enjoys school. I loved it there... Long, long time ago but being there today made me feel like doing hopscotch.... So I did!

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