Light on the water

A visit to Oban today to see H in hospital. He isn't good, fortunately his granddaughter lives over there and is there for him. He will love this.

My other neighbour came along and we had a good day in a strange way.

On the ferry home we met a group of recently retired 'girls' from Australia on a UK tour including a few days on Mull. What a hoot! As the ferry pulled into the terminal I was talking with them and noticed this odd light on the sea behind the ferry. It gradually rose from the water - little artistic license please - looking quite ethereal. The higher it was the more we could see the look of a rainbow. I have chosen this shot partly because it shows a strip of land on the right just behind the light also it's one of the first taken showing its proximity to the water.

I had the small Lumix, this was taken through the ferry lounge window, by the time we made it off the ferry the light was higher and more rainbow like. I seem to have a couple spots on the lens.

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