North Star

I did a rather good walk today, having decided it was a 'no driving' day. I packed some lunch and set off for the Falls of Foyers which was not going to be a long walk but it's quite a climb. There are two falls, the higher and the lower and I was puffing abit by the time I got to the Lower Falls. To be honest I was a bit underwhelmed, especially after all the rain I saw yesterday. Never mind, higher's bound to be better, isn't it? After a welcom stop at the cafe for a cup of coffe and a rather nice chocolate tiffin with a red squirrel making a brief appearance over the road, I walked on to Higher Falls which are under a little bridge off the road a little bit. They'd be very nice if you could get both things in one shot and if there was a bit more water coming down, frankly, I've seen a better stream on a Thursday night after the pub.

I walked on through the woods and past a rather dilapidated but previously very grand farm with a huge dovecote. I believe it was the big farm that was set up after the highland clearances and called Foyers Mains. There's some pics of these things (sadly not the red squirrel) here.

Tonight's blip comes from a walk around the loch side. North Star doesn't look quite so dependable as its namesake in navigational terms but it's the sort of thing I'm quite happy to find.

Hope your week's going well. Tomorrow will find me in Cromarty direction.


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