
By Saffi

English countryside

A very hot day. Drove to town this morning for various chores. The people in the streets are so relaxed in this weather it could be a different place all together!

Here is one of our neighbours' farms. It was once owned by an elderly bachelor and his two sisters. They had no electricity and the women would not entertain the idea of connecting up to the power line. There was a vine growing on the front of the house which produced white grapes and many wasps! When the sisters died the brother installed power and power points all over the house and enjoyed the luxury! In his nineties he used to cycle up the road (about 1 1/2 miles) to the bus stop every week and bus into Yeovil cattle market (the market is no longer there). His bicycle was often seen half hidden in the ditch waiting for his return. The farm was inherited by his nephew and family. They are restricted as to what type of farming they do as the area is a SSI (Site of Scientific Interest) because of the orchids that grow there in the old leys.

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