A couple of days ago, when I blipped the Glenogle Bath's fine brick chimney, CanCarrier asked if the Victoria baths still had theirs.
Although I walk past the building about once a week, I was damned if I could remember. Going about with my eyes shut! I am a bad blipper.
Anyway, today I had a look, and I think the answer is Yes & No.
This fine building houses the baths, and if you look at it you'll see one of the traditional fancy street-light standards on the front.
I think the aluminium stack on the modern building to the left is probably from the new boiler room, heating the water for the swimming pool, showers and possibly for baths around the upper stories if it's like the Carnegie Baths in Dunfermline (I don't swim, so I have never been inside).
There is a large brick chimney quite close by, attached to a building that looks like a church on Great Junction St, which I suspect might have been a boiler house in the past. It's square, rather than round and I haven't googled the history so it's all speculation...
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