Hit me with your Rhythm Stick

Edited as Ben is right, this is a better picture.

Actually I'm not sure it is the better picture, so you lot can decide.. Vote Stick or Hanky and I'll make the winner final later tonight when I get back from the school fete. In the meantime I'll change them at random ;)

Of course now the title does not make sense. I like the title so I'm not changing it so look at the initial 'stick' photo here. I hope that has cleared things up..

Out for a beer this evening with Sam to talk about their chain of barber shops how they are planning to expand and how we might help. A great discussion, Sam is massively passionate about what he does, their brand and design work is very strong and he is already using social media really well. His Artisan/Craftsman approach to barbering (is that a word?) reminds me of the lovely Welsh Jeans folks..

Anyway at one point during the evening Matt and the Morris Men turned up to dance. What a fine thing Morris Dancing is and sort of fitted in perfectly with the conversation Sam and I were having about tradition. As usual the Morris Men 'encouraged' participation giving a lot of people sticks to dance about with, all very Pythonesque.. Bill looks like he knows what to do with a stick!

They finished with a Flourish of Hankys.

Thanks for shoving the Prof into the spotlight yesterday, I suspect he is as chuffed as I am ;)


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