
By misspixter

What doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger!

We went back to Liverpool women's hospital today, where they saved Joey's life, to see the consultant. He is being monitored at our hospital but Liverpool want to keep an eye on him too. The consultant was very happy with him, he's developing well and gaining weight well. When talking about the lungs and long term repercussions we asked if Joey was any different from another preemie at the same gestation, considering the lack of fluid he had and the hypoplastic lungs he had at birth. He said to be honest so few babies survive pulmonary hypoplasia (small, rigid lungs) and the result is usually death so they have so few babies to study and they are usually mixed in with normal preemies anyway. He said Joey must have been borderline, his lungs were small but obviously somehow just enough. Now they keep growing new lung tissue until they are about 8 years old so he said the difference if there is one would be very small between Joey and any other child. So he really is a regular little miracle. :o)

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