Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Tall Trees

Today was my wife's first precious day off of two. We pre-arranged to pick up my son's two dogs and set off in the two seater Smart car. The dogs went in the back - I let the wife sit up front- and set off to one of our favourite walks. It was a walk we knew there'd be few sheep or chickens. Sheep are a tempation to play with, and a likelihood the dogs may get shot by a grumpy irrate farmer if he catches them chasing his wolly-backs.

They have a things about chasing winged things, and country houses often have free range chickens, which they have a high chance of catching. We've learned from previous walks!

All went well on this six mile walk. We set off early to avoid the rain forecast at 3pm by Carole Kirkwood; and it did come at that time, but we were on the way home.

I didn't take that many photo's. The one I thought I'd use, I'm not! The blip photo is of some very tall trees at The Narth, Nr Monmouth. I like the effect, a bit arty.

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