
By Riverdale2

Rose Thief

When I got home from work today I commented on the fact that there was a vase of fresh flowers on the living room window ledge. Yes, agreed my husband, telling me that there was also a vase of roses in the dining room. I went to have a look.

Thinking that they looked too 'natural' to be the single stemmed, forced, hothouse flowers that supermarkets usually sell, I asked him if he had bought them. Looking sheepish, he admitted that he hadn't. I asked where he had got them from and he pointed towards the garden next door.

In his defence, the house next door has been empty for over six months since the old lady died and, as he said of the stolen roses, "no-one was using them".

Even so, I'm keeping them on a back window ledge where no-one else can see them.

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