out of the shadows

By MrsHart3

Aaaaaand breathe..........

Today, both Sarah and I needed to breathe
She hasn't had a full nights sleep in nearly 2 years and wasn't feeling great
And I just wasn't feeling great

So, after the school run, we went to our favourite garden centre for Eggs Benedict.
We smelled the roses, looked at the beautiful summer bedding plants and played in the little play area with Alice.
We looked at the rabbits and the guinea pigs, the snakes and the tortoises
And we bought a lovely magazine each.
Most importantly, for about an hour, we just breathed and were calm.

Life is difficult for both of us at the moment and it's a struggle to find enough reserves of strength to support each other as much as we can, whilst dealing with our own personal issues at the same time.
Sometimes we end up shouting at each other, but that's ok, because we both understand and then we end up laughing at ourselves because, sometimes,that's all you can do
We can say things to each other that no one else could ever get away with and I know that she would be there for me in a heartbeat.

Someone told me today that they and their siblings had had a dreadful relationship with their mother.
I can't imagine how awful that must be,
Both of my children are amazing.
I am so proud of them and I love them to pieces

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