What a week

Every night this week (starting from Sunday) I've felt dreadful, and thought "I can't go into work tomorrow".
Every morning I've thought: "I don't feel too bad"; so have gone in.
Every day at work I've thought: "I feel dreadful - why didn't I take the day off sick and stay in bed".
Every day I went into work.

I finally seem to have nailed the headache, and just left with the chesty cough from hell (that hurts my head when I cough!). But only after leaving work early and hiding under the duvet before picking C up from school.

It was the school fayre today, and after school club, took their charges around:- which as neither Mrs H or me could have made it; was great.
They really are a godsend, and without them we both wouldn't be working at the moment.

I have a sneaky suspicion though, that they did let C pay a visit to the chocolate fountain ;)

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