
By raubrey

Step into my study

Today we headed off to Buxton to visit the Museum & Art Gallery which had a display of Harry Houdini items from the collection gifted to the council by the Great Randini (his stage name).

I was most excited about the prospect of setting my eyes upon a pair of handcuffs actually used by the man himself and I was certain it was going to be my blip for the day.

Upon entering the museum, the guide told us about all the displays and suggest we start with the Victorian schoolroom on the ground floor.

Upon entering the room, there was a long series of display cabinets which separated you from the display and it really did help give you the feel that you were looking in on a time gone by. I could have spent all afternoon trying to visually catalogue the vast amount of beautiful objects on offer.

The room is exactly what I imagine the study for a gentleman explorer to be like. It was so captivating to me. All it needed was some well placed plants and it would have been like someone was living there and you were transported back.

Back to the handcuffs. I saw some medieval leg irons but for the life of me couldn't find Houdini's handcuffs. To be honest, after seeing the room, it didn't seem to be that important anymore.

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