
By EdgewoodGarden

Hemerocallis ‘Kwanzo’

This is one of the recognized botanical varieties of the orange daylily (Hemerocallis fulva). It's the only known triploid daylily, but its name is confusing. You’ll find this plant with any or all of the following in almost any order: H. fulva flora plena ‘Kwanzo’ I suppose that’s because it is an old fashioned plant, easily propogated (read: naturalized) with many folks selling them. There is also a variegated leafed form with the double orange flower, though it has not been successful here in our garden.

However, this green-leaved version is totally easy care. Extremely robust, the only issue here in our garden is not to plant it too near any very choice small plants. Additionally, it is edible (right down to the roots/tubers). Many Asian cultures add the flowers to their cuisine; you may have seen them listed as ‘golden needles.’ I can vouch for the fact that they are quite tasty, battered and sautéed in a similar manner to squash blossoms.

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