My Best Efforts - Year 3


The Humboldt Bridge near Eureka, California.....

.........Also known unofficially as the "Humboldt Bay Bridge", consisting of three spans, named "Eureka Channel Bridge", "Middle Channel Bridge", and "Samoa Channel Bridge", from east to west. It was built in the 1960s, and made the Humboldt Bay ferries obsolete. (One of the ferries, the Madaket, still operates as a tour boat on Humboldt Bay.)
This was taken from the Samoa side of the bridge.

Driving over this bridge's spans in a light-weight vehicle during a high wind can be a hair-raising experience and looking at it I can well imagine this to be the case!

We had a rather later start than usual - I overslept!!!

Anni had planned for a drive all around the Historic part of Eureka but we didn't bargain for the fact that many streets would be closed off for Independence Day. (Hope all our Blip-pals in the USA have had a happy one)

However, we managed to some of the what we call "ginger-bread" houses - they are like something out of Disney or Harry Potter!

Another lovely day - roll on tomorrow! (Though the time is going too fast!)

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