A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Dos Mares

I collected Mum at 10:45 and dropped her at the hairdressers, while I ran some errands. Then we set off on our mini-break to Algeciras!

Via La Cañada to do some shopping, of course. Laden with pressies and other goodies, we partook of a KFC lunch (Mum's idea, I hasten to say) and then mooched off on the toll road towards Tarifa.

The Dos Mares hotel is somewhere Mum used to stay quite frequently and so this stop was a nostalgic trip down memory lane, before we returned around the bottom of Spain to Algeciras and to the Hotel Reina Cristina, our resting place for the night.

Jacqui was already ensconced by the pool and so after a freshen up, we sat with g-and-ts on the terrace and chatted as the evening grew a little cooler. Dinner was not great, but the staff shortages meant that the service was poor and so the quality of the food suffered too. Never mind, we had an enjoyable time and tumbled into bed well after 12.

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