This day

By snapper

arch friends!

At a meeting in Inverness, all fine , paperwork in order.
Took my cousin with me for company and a jaunt, took this picture in a rather posh toilet in the Station Hotel of all places.

Long drive home, checked electric meter and it had 2p so it was off to the local shop for more money, thats 40 quid in a week!! I need to get onto some folks!

On the way to the shop I got stopped by the cops for having only one headlight bastards, why cant they chase real crooks? instead of crusing up and down looking for dodgy lights while further up the town all the boy racers are whizzing up and down and round all the round abouts! and round another corner the towns teenagers getting high as kites on drugs and Buckie, oh no that would involve real police work! End of rant, anyhows they they were very nice an d polite and only issued a warning so I should be thankful.

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