Today was spent painting Aura's bedroom and doing bits in the garden. Everything's coming along nicely, slowly but nicely.
As for the garden its a whole new world to me and one I hope I'm going to learn to love. At times overwhelming, but so satisfying at the same time. Especially when things flourish. Note to self though, wear gardening gloves whilst scarifying the lawn. My hands are blistered to bits.
Still no Internet connection and France Telecom yet again managed to not live up to their promise of having it fixed by 6pm today. I don't know why I ever thought that they might. So it was some DVD re-runs of Gavin & Stacey tonight with a cup of Camomile tea before bed.
All in all a fulfilling day.
- 0
- 0
- Apple iPhone 5
- 1/25
- f/2.4
- 4mm
- 50
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