Saturdays blip!

Uploaded early hours of this morning & didn't notice I had agreed to Sat instead of Fri! Too tired & heir mince after the carry on of the last few days!
Longish lie in then took doggies a nice plod then waited for someone to deliver my old camera back (he said it had a hairline crack) couldn't find anything wrong with it so gave it to chubby hubby to play with. Put a 50 prime on it so he's having to stand so far back and keeps forgetting its got no zoom on but fair play to him he took some decent photos considering it's his first ever time using such a beast (Canon 40D)
Later hubby & I went to Taynish reserve (he had never been) I found a mirror sculpture I had missed & apparently there's still one more to find! Later I went out with my camera partner in crime but had the dogs for a good run. Couldn't be bothered driving back to Glasgow tonight so going to go down early tommorw morning as we want to go to the Scottish Game Fair at Scone in Perth so if there are any other blippers going, say hello !

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