and through the wire...

By hesscat

Ms H was 14 today. It's kind of an inbetweeny age, getting close to some scary big numbers. Most of her presents were music related, CDs, guitar stuff, and a guitar birthday cake! We have had a lovely day, where the threat of rain quickly turned to sunny blue skies and 2 BBQs were hosted. I think most of her last few birthdays have been spent away on holiday, so it was great to just relax...

Looking back to my blip of 28th May where Ms H had sung and played guitar to us - the one and only time, I mentioned it was the first big step up for her to sing in front of others. We had a long chat on Thursday, on the way into town, we're she confirmed this was what she wanted to do and agreed that I could nudge her down that road (not in a pushy way)... and I think that registered in her head.

So with our first round of guests today, grandparents, auntie and uncle, I suggested she may want to try it. We disappeared for 10 minutes to discuss, I was keen for her to play All of the Stars again but she she was worried about the key being too high. So with the magic of the capo I showed her how to adjust the key and bingo... she sang a few lines and was happy with that... and I got to hear her sing again!

So, as moral support and with my capo she no longer needed because she got her own for her birthday meaning we could now play songs together, we strummed and she sang to our audience. After the praise she then received, she said she felt brilliant.... Aw...

When 2nd BBQ guests arrived she was keen to repeat the performance... except she preferred to go solo... eek, my career was over within hours. But she played and sang again, this time more confidently.

I was never sure she would actually do this, it takes a lot of courage singing to an audience - even if I could sing, I probably wouldn't. I'm looking forward to helping her find new songs that will suit her. I hope there's no stopping her and she can find out what she is capable of, however it ends up.

Anyway, I think my job here is done... over to her...

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