Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Codename: Pixel

It's official. Measuring in at 6.06cm, Pixel is 12 weeks and 4 days old and her due date is bang on our estimate (January 15).

We didn't get off to the greatest of starts today. In fact, we started off at completely the wrong medical centre! After queuing up at registration and signing numerous forms, we realised they didn't have us in the system. Fortunately the neighbouring centre spared our blushes.

After checking all was well with Nikki and the bump, they packed us off to another medical centre for a series blood and urine tests.

You'd think that was the end of it but we were given a phone number for another medical centre so that Nikki could get a Nuchal Translucency Scan (Down's Syndrone test). Upon making the appointment I was informed they were fully booked so we were referred to yet another medical centre! Five in one day...

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