
By TeaAddict

Training Day

Mr M and I did a one-to-one (or rather two-to-one) training day with our photography mentor today. One of the things we love about photography is that you can never learn it all - there are always new techniques to try, new challenges to find solutions to, new ways of looking at things and it's always good to spend the day with another photographer who will pull you out of your comfort zone and get you thinking about new and different things.

We spent quite a bit of time today working on indoor photography using natural (window) light as the main light source with quite a lot of analysis of contrast and discussion about the implications of the inverse square law (Mr M was a mathematician in a previous life and loves all that techie stuff!)

Anyway, it was a good and productive day and we came away with lots of new things to think about.

Today's blip is one of the photos we took during our 'indoor' session. I love the drama the natural light lends to this image :-)

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