
By Teasel

Enough to Feed an Army

Left a wet and horrid morning at home as I headed to Edinburgh to get a long overdue haircut. It was dry and the sunny in Edinburgh. After the haircut I met my mum and dad who had travelled through to Edinburgh and then we headed home. They are in charge of BB this coming week.

Pottered in the sunshine, then The Tiger (TT) and I headed back into Edinburgh to meet up with a group of friends for a couple of drinks and a delicious curry. We had to run the best part of a mile to get the last bus home. Pity I hadn’t worn my running shoes, but we just made the bus. Not to be recommended in inappropriate footwear after a big meal! Lots of entertainment when a couple of drunk pensioners got on the bus.

Have a few random blips from today, but here is part of the delicious meal – a magnificent four ft dosai. It was shared – though didn’t make its way to my end of the table!

I have to credit TT for taking this blip as I was not well placed and he is much taller than me!

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