Is it any wonder......

....... that my bird food is going down so quickly. It's meant for the little bluetits and sparrows not this hulking great monster.
I have been waging war against him and his mates for the last few weeks because I think they are responsible for eating ALL my soft fruit and pulling up any plant that I dare to put into the garden ( having lovingly tended them in the greenhouse for weeks).

The only fruits that haven't been touched are one plum tree and a fig tree so I had my fingers crossed that they wouldn't touch them. But today I saw that they have built a nest in the fig tree. She was sat on the nest looking all cocky!
A) why are they nest building in July?
B) I cant believe they will be able to resist all that fruit around them.

I think I am just going to have to give up my war and embrace them as part of life!

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