Jacqui's World

By HappyJacqui

Ted's Not Feeling Blue!

Although these sheep are looking very blue.

Well, what a sporting day we have had in Britain today, with the Tour De France, Men's Final at Wimbledon, and the British Grand Prix race. We watched again the Tour De France and caught the last set at Wimbledon.

Two of my friends called today Sandra who I have know since I was 13 and who I used to teach swimming with and Jayne the Mayors Officer for Hynburn who I have known for over 25 years. They both called with birthday presents for me. My birthday is on Tuesday. I drove over the back roads to Brierfield to the M65 with Jayne following me so she would miss all the traffic in Colne that was coming back from Yorkshire.

On the way back Ted and me stopped off to have a look at these blue coloured sheep.

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