Lovely Surprise!

My first concern this morning was in letting the surgery know about The Mother’s oedema and weight increase. 7st 12lb to 9st in just a few weeks. I knew the dietitian was wrong in being happy with this. Her doctor came out to see her this afternoon and took more blood samples to see whether her kidney function had improved enough from last week to increase her “water” pills. Her feet are now blistering.

The District nurse also called, but not letting ME know so the Mother had to struggle to her feet to answer the door.

While I was waiting for her call our local florist knocked on the door and said these flowers were for me. "Why?" I asked. I am obviously unused to being sent flowers. "Someone has sent you them" "Who?" I asked. Doh! "Read the card!" "My girls!" I exclaimed, just to let me know they are thinking about me.

Lovely girls!

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