Buena Vista

By mauriciob

Knowing how to live

This is Nikki. She and her fiance Jay where actually the two people who organized this trip. With friends inviting friends they were able to bring 14 people who had never met together for an amazing weekend.

Most of their friends where in their late twenties, and boy did they know how to live. Most people talk about college as the best years of their life, which isn't a bad thing, but this is the first time where I met a group of people who just seemed like they were making the most of life all the time. It almost seemed as if every year they one up the previous year. They had all worked several jobs, gone from here to there, some where settled down and some where still exploring. Most people are scared of the idea of "getting old" but they made 30 seem like the glory days. And why shouldn't it be?

I love how when you put a bunch of strangers together they are able to band together so quickly. Within just a few days we all got "comfy" and I felt like I was able to learn a lot from this group in terms of what I want to do with my future. People keep talking about this "wretched humanity" we live with, but most people I encounter have a lot of love to pass around, maybe we just have to focus on that?

Anyways, the hike was a good change from all that kayaking.

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