
By gilliebg

Ankoli-Watusi cattle

A dull and drizzly morning here in north central Florida. I am not complaining; when the temperature is in the 90s with 100% humidity, and I am cowering in the air conditioning, I shall look back on today with longing.
Rachael had told me about these cattle that are in a field close to home, so I took my camera on the school run this morning, and luckily, they were still there. They are quite incredible; how they get their heads off the ground I don't know. they must be very docile; they are sharing their hay with two mini donkeys and two mini ponies, and everyone seems to be in one piece. I couldn't decide which picture to post, but since the horns are the focus of the beast, I chose this one. the other contenders are, if I do it right,

Read more about them here.

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