
By Combi31


This one may be worth a squint in large

Horrible, cold, wet, grey day that has just brightened up in the last hour with quite hot sunshine - steam rising everywhere in the garden now.

Tour de France in errrr, ah yes, France from tomorrow - just planning the last minute things and lists for our 3 stages in the Pyrénées - looks like we'll have to leave on Sunday for the stage on Tuesday to get a decent place (experience tells me that).

England did the tour proud with the huge turnout of spectators along the way - including Terry Feckwitt who knocked Schleck off his bike in London *rolls eyes*.

It reminds me of a mountain stage a few years ago, where I think Robert Millar won the stage, a Spanish or Columbian rider had broken away up a mountain and was sure to win, when Terry Feckwitt's French cousin knocked him off his bike, where he was then overtaken and beaten to the stage win.

Later, the presenter from France 2, decided that it would be a great idea to reunite the rider and Terry Feckwitt live on set, to shake hands and make up - not a good idea as the rider lamped Terry live on TV .. *Rolls eyes again*

Here is a link to a short video I took on Saturday of some kingfishers and a very hot heron (not hot in the unbiblical sense you understand).

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