MonoMonday: Roads of Jumpin' Train

I've been laughing since I did this, left it as the train not sitting quite right!

I didn't have a baby tram in my possession, so a wee train will do. I wonder if the new Highway Code books include trams in them?

This is a wooden train sitting in top of "DSA Motorcycle Riding - The Essential Skills, 2nd Ed, HMSO 2001" just for illustration, so it is well out of date.

Hazards in this picture a many!

I haven't driven for about 20yrs and learnt to ride a scooter but not the motorbike because of coordination of hands and feet. Now I can't ride the scooter as it's too heavy to manoeuvre and the wee electric ones around don't seem to like hills, staying on an 11% doesn't help!

Enjoy not meeting this on your travels tomorrow :-D

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