Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Ariadne Community Garden, NE 11th Ave.

Sometimes I wonder if I walk around with my eyes closed... I had no idea this wonderful community garden was here. The plus side is that I am always making happy discoveries like this. This is not the best of shots, the sun was glaring; however, it gives you a feel for the place, and it's really quite a large place taking up two empty lots on a city block.* They also have a small market stand on site that's open on Wednesdays. The notice board out front on the gate had lots of great information about events and also a tool library - something I'd just had a conversation about with a friend the other day.

The No Coal Exports sign in the house window is regarding coal exports to Asia through our Western states and British Columbia. More information here and here. Blippers Aquamarine/Nanna K and ArtistAnnie have covered this issue in more depth. Signs like the one in the window dot front yards and house windows all across Portland.

Beginning today I thought I'd make a note of the temperature high each day, it's been interesting to look back at previous year's entries so I wanted to formalize it a bit.


*I'll upload more pix to Flickr tomorrow.

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