
By Mo

Together apart

It's been a tough start to the year, with Red's dad being ill and Red being down there with him a lot of the time. We're all missing him loads.

Of course, it has meant I've had to taken on certain jobs Red would normally do. Putting the bins out on Monday nights. Check. Getting the ladders out to change scarily high lightbulbs. Check. Getting a pic of George with his arms out, then cropping it square with the hands in the middle. Oh lordy!

Didn't realise how tricky it would be to get his hands mid-picture, will try again in the morning if time permits.

I was listening to George talking to his brothers earlier and realised how much I love the way he says "bloo-billies" for blueberries. Just wanted to capture it here, because these are the little things you forget as we race along.

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