Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Rubbish shot from plane

Sorry, this was the only shot I managed yesterday as we flew into Heathrow. I didn't get my camera out quickly enough to capture the Olympic Park.

We were up at 3, had breakfast, drove to Manchester Airport, had another breakfast then flew down to London. They served breakfast on the plane. Then we had four hours to kill at Heathrow. The restaurants were serving oysters or breakfast. We chose breakfast, so by midday we had had four breakfasts.....

Nine and a half hours on the plane later (I watched Hunger Games and Class of 92 - the latter was one of the best sport documentaries I have ever seen, and not just because Mr Beckham is in it) and we arrived in rainy Miami. It was grey and raining. Sarah didn't feel well. We queued for ages at immigration. I began to wonder why I had booked this holiday. Sarah threw up at the kiosk - we were given swift access to the USA.

We collected the car and drove to Miami Beach. The hotel is completely fabulous, right on the beach and we were upgraded to a room with a stunning view. We took a wander around the vibrant area to grab yet another meal before we got to bed at about 10pm, a full 24 hours after getting up. I just woke up after a good long sleep. looked out of the window and have remembered why I booked this holiday!

Now for breakfast......

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