
By 63JR

Watching Mickey Mouse on a lazy afternoon.
A photo, a moment to carry inside.
"As good as it gets", he said.
This is what KB often says.
He "sees" in ways I don't see
And I much admire.
Yes, what he said is true in every way.
The quiet joys of everyday life.
Illuminating and fun moments.

I remember another moment.
A different kind of moment.
He and I were at Vandy.
We were standing outside the student cafeteria.
It was late in the year.
I think it was the fall of 1995.
Maybe November or in early December.
Now, years later, I can say with complete certainty,
This was a transformative moment.
A moment of Grace.
A moment of pure seeing.
A strong bridge was built in that moment.
He said to me in passing,
"What if 'the dumb things' are the smart things ?".
What he said spoke volumes.
I understood.
There was no need for probing or explanation.

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