Failed Bliptogether Attempt: The 3 M's and a Moral
Despite enthusiastic participants this bliptogether failed because of poor spatial ability on my part. I thought I had left enough room for a square crop. And I thought it was in focus too. Actually, I was just so excited that I actually got people to volunteer that I lost it and lost the opportunity.
But there is an interesting story about these people and the picture embodies the blitptogether spirit.
They are Matthew, Michele and Marilyn. (the 3 M's, get it? :) )
I had lunch with Michele today. Michele is a dear "work" friend and we have been having lunch together about once a month for the last 5 years or so. She is the most amazing person, warm, thoughtful, caring, so unselfish and lovely. A single Mom, she just keeps going. I don't know how. And she's a way better person than me.
When I went to take her bliptogether picture, Matthew wanted to join in. He's the handyman that I talked about in last Friday's blip who has been surprisingly appreciative about my photographic efforts. And he remembered that he's going to take me up to the 17th floor of the building for a photo session. Next week...
And the third person, Marilyn was walking by and joined in. She's a VP that I work with occasionally. One of those people who have a lot of authority and can be a little bit scary and stern, but here she is smiling!
So each of these people represents three different rungs on the corporate and social hierarchy. Janitor, professional peon (like me) and executive. And here they are with their arms around each other, smiling, on the same level and having fun.
This is what bliptogether is all about, isn't it?
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